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PALS Provider Course

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PALS Provider Course
Product Details

PALS Provider is an advanced course, designed specifically for healthcare providers who will direct or participate in the management of cardiopulmonary arrest, respiratory or shock emergencies in pediatric patients, and who will regularly use PALS skills within their scope of practice.

The PALS Provider course builds on skills learned in a Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider course. Learners can expect practice and training in a proven systematic approach to pediatric assessment, treatment algorithms and high-performance teams to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children. Participants will practice and demonstrate proficiency in simulated case scenarios and will practice both team leader and team member roles.

Expected Learner Competencies

The PALS course leverages a student’s existing clinical skills, knowledge and proficiency. The following competencies are expected of students entering a PALS Provider course:

  • High-quality BLS
  • Recognition of common pediatric cardiac ECG rhythms
  • Effective airway management and use of adjuncts
  • Knowledge of pediatric cardiopulmonary pharmacology
  • Practical management of complex cases
  • High-performance team skills


Course Duration

~ 13h 40m

Course Materials


PALS Provider Manual
  • Print = RE6100E
  • eBook = RE6100ED
2015 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Healthcare Providers
  • Print = RE0120E
  • eBook = RE0120ED

Course Completion Card

PALS Provider

Valid for: 2 years

CME/CPD Credits

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Eligible for two (2) credits per hour under Section 2 of the MOC Program as “Traineeships”.

College of Family Physicians of Canada
Eligible for two Mainpro+ Certified credits per hour.

Other Colleges / Regulatory Bodies
Heart & Stroke courses are recognized across Canada. We are committed to continuous assessment and accreditation. Check with your college or professional affiliation to see if this course is eligible for credits.

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